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STAY Southwest

    March 22, 2013

    At our March chapter meeting, we were treated to a presentation by Shannon Blevins (Director of Economic Development at UVA Wise) and Drew Lumpkin (Constituent Services Director from Sen. Mark Warner's office). Drew and Shannon were letting us know about an exciting organization called STAY Southwest. STAY is an acronym for "Successful, Talented, Active & Young."

    The STAY Southwest group is committed to creating opportunities to expand business and personal social networks and to develop the next generation of leaders for our region. We at Southwest Virginia SHRM would like to encourage employers in our area to include information about STAYsw in the information they provide to new employees. Doing so may increase your retention rate as well as morale among your newer employees.

    More information about the group can be found at or you can email them. They have regular meetings on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6 PM till 7:30 PM. Locations vary.