From our Blog
November 30, 2018
Thanking Matt Newman from MECC
Matt Newman was our guest speaker at our recent quarterly meeting, and he did a fantastic job.
He spoke to us about his work teaching ethics in the workplace is necessary, and how the content and methodology has shifted with recent generations of students. He had some very interesting insights and information to share about why the need for training has changed significantly in recent years.
February 21, 2013
The Quiet Hand of Human Resources
When I say, "the quiet hand of HR," I don't mean anything like the invisible hand of the market. No, I mean something entirely different, and much more personal.
Blog Categories:January 25, 2013
That's What It's All About
You put a process in; you take a process out. You find another one and you shake it all about... And in the end you hope to make your employees happy; your business more efficient; and yourself a little happier too, maybe.
Blog Categories:January 8, 2013
Reporting for Duty / Duty of Reporting: The Case of the People vs. Processes (Entry 2 of 5)
I had a hard time identifying a process to possibly eliminate. I eventually found one related to preparation I did for a report.
I tried several different methods to find something. I started by just brainstorming and thinking about my various daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. I had a very long list of processes that I would LIKE to eliminate, but nothing that was a realistic candidate.
Blog Categories:November 26, 2012
Appalachia Elementary School Accepting Donations
Each year Appalachia Elementary School attempts to provide gifts and/or food to the needy children who attend classes there. Last year they provided gifts for over 125 children.
Donations such as peanut butter, cereal, crackers, pop tarts, soup, and pudding will be accepted for the project this year in addition to monetary donations and gifts. The gifts that the school is hoping to give to each child would include a pair of pants, a shirt, shoes, a hoodie/jacket and a toy for each child - not to exceed $75 for each child.
Please consider making a donation.
Blog Categories:October 29, 2012
The Case of the People versus Processes (Entry #1 of 5)
I don’t know about you, but to me Human Resource Management sometimes feels more like dealing with processes, or regulations than it does anything resembling human. Whether it’s helping someone fill out a form or instructing managers on a documentation process, it’s sometimes easy to forget our first priority is to the humans among us. Can we focus on humans more if we eliminate a procedural impediment? Or is the procedure necessary to avoid bigger problems?
Blog Categories:February 23, 2011
What can we do for you?
The Southwest Virginia SHRM chapter's mission is to be a resource for HR professionals and business leaders in our region. Our upcoming chapter meeting on March 17th will feature a presentation by Shannon Blevins outlining professional development opportunities in our area. What else would you find helpful as you navigate the business and HR world on a day-to-day basis?
Blog Categories:February 21, 2011
Help Wanted: Looking For Great Employees
There's been quite a bit of attention in the news last week and over the weekend paid to the way employers treat unemployed people looking for work. One recent news story went so far as to begin with a headline: Looking For Work? Unemployed Need Not Apply. Undoubtedly some companies will continue to look at unemployed people with less favor. However, the best companies look for the best people wherever they can find them.
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