SHRM Foundation Contributions Result in 2017
SHRM Foundation Contributions Result in 2017!!
Congratulations to all of our faithful and generous contributors to the SHRM Foundation!
In 2017 we had another great year and were recognized at the SHRM Regional Council meeting this month for being 7th in the Nation! This "Top 10" achievement is due to our member commitment and dedication to this worthy cause. We collected $12,206.49 in contributions and recognition credits. In total with chapters added to this total, Virginia donated $41,552 last year to the Foundation.
My sincere thanks to our SHRM Foundation Directors in 2017, Patricia Craft, with Debby Martin before departing to Alabama, for their excellent work to collect our State Council donations. Bruce Christian, thank you too for your support as always!
We especially thank our members who support the SHRM Foundation so well year after year. We are grateful for your help to THRIVE in this area. The SHRM Foundation awarded eight $750 scholarships in 2017 to Virginia HR professionals for certification assistance. That includes the Virginia SHRM State Council SHRM Foundation Certification Scholarship ($750) awarded to Ti-Kimena-Mia Coltrane last year.
We're already off to a great start in 2018. Keep the contributions coming! They impact lives and make a difference for our HR profession.
Thank you again!
Best, Karen
President, Virginia SHRM State Council