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Archived Events

    2010 Events

    CLICK HERE to see notes from the last chapter meeting

    DATE and TIME





    Thursday, Nov. 18th 

    8:30 a.m.

    SWVA SHRM Chapter Meeting Workshop on strategic planning and succession planning. Potential for HRCI strategic credit.Lunch will be provided. UVa-Wise and SW VA Higher Ed. Center (Abingdon) First web-conferenced meeting

    Friday and Saturday, Jan. 7th and 8th

    2011 VA SHRM Leadership Conference Designed for current and future board members - Learn best practices of Chapter administration Richmond

    DATE and TIME





    Tuesday, Sept. 28th 

    10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.

    Southwest Virginia Regional SHRM Strategic/Succession Planning Workshop Workshop on strategic planning and succession planning. Potential for HRCI strategic credit.Lunch will be provided. Wytheville Conference Center, Wytheville, Virginia CLICK HERE to download the registration form

    Tuesday, Oct. 19th

    10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.

    2010 Fall Employer Conference Featuring LuAnMitchell, best-selling author and motivational speaker; Also featuring speakers on topics such as Impact of Coal on SW Virginia Economy, FMLA Top-Ten Hit List, Legislative Developments, Health Care Plan, ReGenerations, Leadership, and the VEC Mountain Empire Community College - Phillips/Taylor Hall - Goodloe Center, Big Stone Gap, VA CLICK HERE to download the registration form and flyer

    DATE and TIME





    Thursday, Sept. 16th

    8:30 a.m.

    SWVA SHRM Chapter Meeting Chapter meeting Crutchfield Corporation, Wise Industrial Park (behind K-Mart)

    Nominate 2011 SWVA SHRM board members

    CLICK HERE to register

    DATE and TIME





    Thur. Sept. 2nd 8:00 a.m. till 4:15 p.m. 5th Annual VA Labor and Employment Law Seminar

    Recent employment law updates; Social media policies and best practices; Worker's compensation updates and more!

    Awaiting HRCI credit approval (maybe 5 or more credits!)

    Hemlock Haven Conference Center, Hungry Mother State Park, Marion, VA

    CLICK HERE for the registration form

    Contact Laralee Harkleroad at Baker-Donelson by CLICKING HERE

    Wed. and Thurs. Aug. 11th and 12th Shenandoah Valley SHRM: Essentials of Human Resource Management Certification Program Two-day program (8:30 to 5:00 p.m.) with pending preapproval of 13 hours of HRCI credit Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Virginia

    CLICK HERE to see the flyer and registration form

    Contact Carolyn Fowler, with questions

    Friday, July 30th

    8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

    Third 2010 State Council Meeting

    Breakfast from 8:30 a.m. till 9 a.m.

    Meeting from 9 a.m. till 3:30 p.m.

    Hylton Performing Arts Center

    10900 University Boulevard

    Manassas, VA 20110

    Click here to register

    At the top of the web page click on the box titled July 30, 2010 Meeting RSVP, then click New and fill in the blanks.

    Please do so no later than Wednesday, July 21st so that they will have an accurate count for meals, setup, etc.

    Thursday, July 15th

    8:30 a.m.

    SWVA SHRM Chapter Meeting Chapter meeting

    UVA-Wise: Alumni Hall

    CLICK HERE for directions from Norton

    Be thinking about succession planning

    Sunday, June 27th thru Wednesday, June 30th SHRM 2010 Annual Conference and Exposition Top HR and business experts share their perspectives, strategies, tools and tips for growing your company and your talent. San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA

    Get LOTS of HRCI credits!

    CLICK HERE to learn more

    Thursday, June 17th Richmond SHRM: Half-Day Legal Conference Receive all your important legal updates for $75 University of Richmond Law School Click HERE to register

    SWVA SHRM Chapter meeting on Thursday, May 20th at 8:30 a.m.

    Location: St. Paul's Town Hall

    Click HERE for directions to the St. Paul Town Hall


    As you enter St. Paul take a left at the second stop light. Go through the underpass and then turn left onto Russell Street. The Town Hall is the last building on the right. Parking is in the back.

    CLICK HERE to register

    Agenda will include the following

    • Special Presentation
      • Speaker: Eric Thiessen, Attorney at law from the lawfirm of McElroy, Hodges, Caldwell & Thiessen
    • Membership records and form update
    • Online SHAPE reporting update
    • Large SWVA SHRM event planning and promotion update
      • Budget
      • Purpose
      • Audience
      • Planning Team Assignments
      • Location
      • Date and Time
      • Theme/Topics
      • Speaker(s) (including backups if necessary)
      • Sponsors and Vendors
    • Community service project brainstorming
    • Succession planning
    • Chapter bylaws review and strategic update
    • SHRM Foundation Donation

    (please click here to let us know your preference for future locations and/or topics for guest speakers) 

    We meet every third Thursday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November). Most meetings feature a guest speaker and/or special presentations as well as discussions on topics of interest to HR professionals.

    May 7th, 2010



    One Day Strategic Seminar on May 7, 2010

    Topics include Succession Planning, HR Business Strategy, Metrics & more!

    Approved for 7.5 HRCI credits (6 Strategic CREDITS!)

    Great Value: $150.00 for Dulles SHRM Members

    $200 for Nonmembers

    (Includes Breakfast and Lunch)

    Convenient location near airport and Route 28!


    April 21st, 2010: Administrative Professionals Conference at the Russell County Conference Center 9:30 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. 

     Honor yourself, your collegauges or your staff for the hard work they do all year!


    Adminsistrative Professionals - we think it’s high time you celebrated the vital role you play as an administrative professional - which is why we’ve pulled out all the

    stops to bring you a truly special event, one you’ll be talking about for months to come! 








    The conference fee is $75 per person for and pre-registration is required.





    • Richmond SHRM Speaker Series
    • Earn 7.75 Strategic HRCI Credits on April 15th!
    • Priced Right $150 Early Bird Price ($175 after March 31)
    • Includes breakfast and lunch
    • Great Networking opportunities with HR leaders around Virginia
    • Desirable location - New Hilton at Short Pump Town Center

    Great shopping and dining

    Easy Access from I-64 and 288

    • Cutting Edge Curriculum delivered by today’s HR Thought leaders

    The Frontier Group: HR Failing to be a Strategic Partner and More!
    Lee Hecht Harrison: Leading Change Strategically
    The Titan Group: The New HR Stimulus: Moving from HR Practitioner to
    Organizational Leader
    Allison Partners: Bosses - Your Untapped Partner for Employee Engagement

    Click here to register or for more details

    SWVA SHRM Chapter meeting on Thursday, March 18th at 8:30 a.m.

    Location: Baptist Student Union (BSU) near UVA Wise

    Note: The meeting will still be held even if the college is closed. If for some reason the meeting is cancelled it will be posted on this page.


    From the town of Wise, the BSU is located on the left just before you reach campus. It is on the main road and has a sign next to the building.


    If there is no parking at the BSU, you can park at the Resource Center across the road from the BSU. From the town of Wise, it is the large brick building on the right just before you get to the BSU. There is a red sign that says “Resource Center” at the entrance to the parking lot. Sorry for any inconvenience.



    • Membership records and form
    • Direct deposit with SHRM?
    • Chapter tax info
    • Student membership and participation
    • Online SHAPE reporting
    • Partnership with CAI for certification preparation
    • Large SHRM event planning and promotion
    • Community service project brainstorming
    • Workshop based on scenarios
      • Attendee-driven scenarios

     For the workshop, attendees are encouraged to think of situations they've dealt with that might be good "case studies" to discuss together. For example, almost everyone has probably seen a performance management situation go awry. Let's work through these and see where we can get better at avoiding those problems. Or maybe you have a situation where you weren't 100% sure your company handled the situation correctly. Let's talk about it together.

    To help you think of some scenarios: Think about performance management situations you've dealt with at your company. What kinds of situations lead to inconsistency in discipline, bonuses, or other aspects of employment. Or maybe think of scenarios where documentation concerning a situation was key and the specifics of that documentation either saved you or hurt you. Maybe you want to review a policy that your company has and you'd like to see what everyone else thinks about it. Provide a scenario explaining how the policy is used at your company.

    See you there!


    02/24/2010 10:00 a.m. till 2:30 p.m.

    Managing Generations

    This presentation is being offered at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon, Virginia.

    Presented in partnership with the University of Virginia's College at Wise and the Virginia Department of Business Assistance.

    • The program is scheduled for February 24th from 10 a.m. till 2:30 p.m.
    • The cost is $20.00 and includes lunch

    Street Address: One Partnership Circle

    To be successful, today's leaders must harness the ability to manage a highly diverse workforce of associates. This program will explain the different sets of expectations for each generation and illustrate techniques to bridge the generational gap within your company. The program will identify four different generational groups, and describe the personality traits of each. The program will also explore recruitment, training, management, retention, and communication issues among the generations to best meet the needs of your organization.

    02/17/2010 7:30 a.m.

    Baker Donelson Presentation on GINA (Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act)

    Baker Donelson will host a breakfast briefing for all Wise County Chamber of Commerce members on February 17, 2010, 7:30 a.m., at the Holiday Inn, 1051 Park Avenue, Norton, VA. Written materials and breakfast are complimentary. Baker Donelson is a pre-approved HRCI provider, and their breakfast briefing events typically receive 1 hour of HRCI credit for attendees.

    This year’s topic will cover The Newest Anti-Discrimination Law: GINA. The briefing will provide an overview of the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), and how employers may need to modify hiring, firing, promotion, and compensation practices to avoid GINA-based discrimination claims. It promises to be very educational and helpful for employers. This event is co-sponsored by the Wise County Chamber of Commerce. 

    If you want to learn more about the event or are interested in attending, please contact Joyce Payne at the Chamber of Commerce.

    Joyce M. Payne, Exec. VP

    Wise County Chamber of Commerce

    P O Box 226 765 Park Avenue

    Norton, VA 24273


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