Event Details
Coaching Supervisors
Date: | November 1, 2022, 1:00pm – 2:00pm |
Organizer: | SWVA SHRM |
Location: | Online |
Price: | 0 |
Event Type: | Meeting: All Chapter Members - Guests and others are welcome |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
What is the role of HR in coaching supervisors? This is the question our speaker will answer at today's meeting. Valerie Lee, Director of Human Resources at Mountain Empire Community College, has 30 years in human resource and payroll administration/management in various industry and governmental operations. She will address ways that HR can coach supervisors to help them develop as leaders, manage stress, improve their ability to manage conflict, and achieve company goals.
To join us, use the Zoom Meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86352932880?pwd=RzYvMkhTQUVmdEJldU1IMmpPNGV4UT09
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