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Meeting Notes

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    Chapter Officer's meeting 2/17/2011



    CHAPTER 430


    SEPTEMBER 16, 2010



    Present: 7 members representing 7 companies and 1 guest speaker.


    Meeting was called to order by President, Nathan Hayes at 8:30 a.m. Meeting was held at Crutchfield’s Office in Wise.



    Nathan Hayes, President, called our meeting to order and handed out information for SHRM’s promotion to join SHRM. We welcomed two new members, Rachel Fowlkes of the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center in Abingdon and Holly Snyder of VFP in Duffield.

    We briefly discussed upcoming September 28th VA-SHRM S.W. District Workshop “Strategic & Succession Planning for Chapter Boards”, which will be at Wytheville. We also discussed ideas to promote our chapter in hopes of attracting more members and retaining those that are currently a member, but who are not attending. Some suggestions from recent email survey were to have meeting using video conferencing or conference calls for those that cannot physically attend the meetings. It was also suggested that Dutch treat meeting at a local restaurant at lunch might draw more members. We also discussed idea of having a spring event because members felt the fall was busy and we would not have enough time to plan. President, Nathan Hayes informed group that he would be attending the upcoming State SHRM Conference in Roanoke.






    2. PROGRAM

    Our guest speaker was Mike Ferrel from ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard & Reserves) who spoke to us about USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act). ESGR is a DoD agency established to gain and maintain active support from all public and private employers. The ESGR has numerous programs and services to assist service members including Employer Awards to recognize employers and Ombudsmen who can help service men and women resolve employment related issues.

    3.  MINUTES

    Minutes were not addressed in today’s meeting.



    Treasurer’s Report was not discussed due to our

    Treasurer’s absence.

    5. MEETING ADJOUNED at approximately 9:30 a.m. Next

    meeting will be held on September 18th .


    CHAPTER 430


    JULY 15, 2010



    Present: 3 members representing 3 companies.


    Meeting was called to order by President, Nathan Hayes at 8:30 a.m. Meeting was held at UVA-Wise’s Alumni Hall.



    Nathan Hayes, President, led an informal meeting today due to the low attendance. We briefly discussed upcoming September 28th VA-SHRM S.W. District Workshop “Strategic & Succession Planning for Chapter Boards”, which will be at Wytheville. We also discussed ideas to promote our chapter in hopes of attracting more members and retaining those that are currently a member, but who are not attending. We discussed the possibility of changing time and possibly having it become a lunch time Dutch treat meeting at a local restaurant. The President will send out an email asking for feedback on why people are not attending and if they would be interested in changing the time. We also discussed ideas for our chapter to participate in a service project. President passed out information on the upcoming 2010 VA SHRM State Conference, which will be held in Roanoke September 29th – October 1st. President asked us to think about what SHRM could do for our own companies as a free resource. Amy Bond of the Lonesome Pine Regional Library volunteered to host a meeting in the future. We will probably have our November meeting at that location.


    2. PROGRAM

    No formal program was presented.



    3.  MINUTES

    Minutes were not addressed in today’s meeting.



    Treasurer’s Report was not discussed in detail due to our

    Treasurer’s absence, but she did supply our account

    balances. We have $932.99 in checking and $2,555.78 in


    5. MEETING ADJOURNED at approximately 9:30 a.m. Next

    meeting will be held on September 16th at the Crutchfield

    Office. Time will be 8:30 a.m. unless otherwise posted on

    our website.



    Respectfully Submitted BY

    Janice J. Harber, PHR





    CHAPTER 430


    May 20, 2010



    Present: 8 members/guests representing 7 companies.


    Meeting was called to order by President, Nathan Hayes at 8:30 a.m. Meeting was held at St. Paul’s Town Hall.



    Nathan Hayes, President welcomed everyone. We discussed our SHRM website and a possible SHRM sponsored event in the fall. Possible locations suggested for the event to be held were MECC, UVA-Wise, or the Oxbow Center. We also discussed idea of our Chapter doing a service project. We discussed possible projects to do with proceeds going to a worthy cause like the United Way or the SHRM Foundation. A Chapter newsletter was also discussed with Nathan showing us an example of another chapter’s newsletter that he liked. Our Regional SHRM representative, Karen Edmonds traveled from Christiansburg for our meeting and confirmed that we would be having a regional SHRM meeting on September 28th from 10:00 – 2:00 in Wytheville. More information will be sent later. Shelly Trent from SHRM will also be attending. We will be doing strategic succession planning.


    2. PROGRAM

    Eric Thiessen, Attorney at Law from McElroy, Hodges,

    Caldwell & Thiessen presented our program on Social

    Media and also gave out information on his firm.


    3.  MINUTES

    Minutes were not addressed in today’s meeting.



    Treasurer’s Report was not discussed in detail due to our

    Treasurer’s absence, but she did supply our account

    balances. We have $1,032.99 in checking and $2,550.58 in


    5. MEETING ADJOUNED at approximately 10:15 a.m. Next

    meeting will be held on July 15th. We were instructed to

    check our website for the time and place.



    03/18/2010 Chapter Meeting

    • Review of finances
      • Only minor change due to a $15 check from SHRM
    • Direct deposit
      • SHRM will soon require that chapters setup direct deposit with them so that SHRM can wire money directly into chapter accounts
      • Our chapter has decided to go ahead and do this soon even though it is not required at this time
    • Taxes
      • SHRM sent a reminder about the 990 form that 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6) organizations need to fill out once a year
      • We are looking into whether we have either designation at this time
    • Membership records
      • We will develop a membership form to be filled out by current and new members of the SWVA SHRM chapter
      • The information will include HR interests and basic contact information for each member
      • These records will be kept as both hardcopies and on electronic media
    • SHAPE
      • SHAPE is SHRM's new annual report format for chapters
      • A SHAPE worksheet will be made available to all chapter officers that will be kept up to date throughout the year via an electronic medium
    • Events
      • Our chapter would like to coordinate a large learning event
        • This event would include a 15-minute SHRM presentation
        • This event would also likely include a presentation from Goodwill Industries concerning their 2008 workforce readiness study
        • Other presenters are being considered
    • Special presentation ideas
      • These presentations would likely be given at chapter meetings
      • Ideas for topics included the following
        • GINA
        • Managing/Motivating Different Generations
        • Personality profiles
        • Gang Awareness
        • Workplace Violence
    • Next meeting
      • Our next meeting will be on May 20th, 2010 in St. Paul, Virginia.
      • Specific facility to be announced
    • Workshop
      • We did an informal workshop using scenarios from our own organizations
      • There were lively discussions about performance management and goal setting