Event Details
First 2023 SWVA SHRM Chapter Board Meeting
Date: | January 20, 2023, 10:30am – 11:30am |
Organizer: | Valerie Lee, Chapter President, vlee@mecc.edu |
Location: | Join Zoom Meeting https://vccs.zoom.us/j/89939208907?pwd=ZEVSejRNUG00VzdUTzliZUNyUzNVdz09 Meeting ID: 899 3920 8907 Passcode: 619006 One tap mobile +16469313860,,89939208907#,,,,*619006# US +13017158592,,89939208907#,,,,*619006# US (Washington DC) |
Price: | $0 |
Event Type: | Meeting: Chapter Officers |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
Good afternoon, SWVA SHRM Members!
As this year's new SWVA SHRM President, I would like to invite you to attend an organizational meeting for 2023 for our chapter. If you have held a board position in the past and/or would like to retain or volunteer for a different board position, please attend this meeting.
The first SWVA SHRM Chapter meeting will take place toward the end of the month. You will receive an invitation for this meeting after the board meeting on Thursday.
Hope to see you at the meeting on Friday, January 20th at 10:30 a.m. Thank you.
Val Lee (vlee@mecc.edu)
Valerie Lee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 3920 8907
Passcode: 619006
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,89939208907#,,,,*619006# US
+13017158592,,89939208907#,,,,*619006# US (Washington DC)