November 26, 2012
Appalachia Elementary School Accepting Donations
Each year Appalachia Elementary School attempts to provide gifts and/or food to the needy children who attend classes there. Last year they provided gifts for over 125 children.
Donations such as peanut butter, cereal, crackers, pop tarts, soup, and pudding will be accepted for the project this year in addition to monetary donations and gifts. The gifts that the school is hoping to give to each child would include a pair of pants, a shirt, shoes, a hoodie/jacket and a toy for each child - not to exceed $75 for each child.
Please consider making a donation.
February 21, 2011
Help Wanted: Looking For Great Employees
There's been quite a bit of attention in the news last week and over the weekend paid to the way employers treat unemployed people looking for work. One recent news story went so far as to begin with a headline: Looking For Work? Unemployed Need Not Apply. Undoubtedly some companies will continue to look at unemployed people with less favor. However, the best companies look for the best people wherever they can find them.