Blog Archives
February 21, 2013
The Quiet Hand of Human Resources
When I say, "the quiet hand of HR," I don't mean anything like the invisible hand of the market. No, I mean something entirely different, and much more personal.
Blog Categories:January 25, 2013
That's What It's All About
You put a process in; you take a process out. You find another one and you shake it all about... And in the end you hope to make your employees happy; your business more efficient; and yourself a little happier too, maybe.
Blog Categories:January 8, 2013
Reporting for Duty / Duty of Reporting: The Case of the People vs. Processes (Entry 2 of 5)
I had a hard time identifying a process to possibly eliminate. I eventually found one related to preparation I did for a report.
I tried several different methods to find something. I started by just brainstorming and thinking about my various daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. I had a very long list of processes that I would LIKE to eliminate, but nothing that was a realistic candidate.
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