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    • Appalachia Elementary School Accepting Donations

      Each year Appalachia Elementary School attempts to provide gifts and/or food to the needy children who attend classes there. Last year they provided gifts for over 125 children.

      Donations such as peanut butter, cereal, crackers, pop tarts, soup, and pudding will be accepted for the project this year in addition to monetary donations and gifts. The gifts that the school is hoping to give to each child would include a pair of pants, a shirt, shoes, a hoodie/jacket and a toy for each child - not to exceed $75 for each child.

      Please consider making a donation.


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    • The Case of the People versus Processes (Entry #1 of 5)

      I don’t know about you, but to me Human Resource Management sometimes feels more like dealing with processes, or regulations than it does anything resembling human. Whether it’s helping someone fill out a form or instructing managers on a documentation process, it’s sometimes easy to forget our first priority is to the humans among us. Can we focus on humans more if we eliminate a procedural impediment? Or is the procedure necessary to avoid bigger problems?

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